CyberCom™ :: Recipes :: Fancy Frozen Breakfast Sandwiches (Croissants or English Muffins)
Trade the regular commercial breakfast sandwich for a fancier and healthier.
Fancy Frozen Breakfast Sandwiches (Croissants or English Muffins)
PREPARATION: 45 minutes
COOKING: 12 minutes
TOTAL : almost 1 hour
PORTION(S): 12 servings
Wash and dry a large kichen countertop.
Slice the croissants or English muffins in halves and slightly butter them. If using English muffins, toast them to taste previously to avoid crumbling.
In a flat bottom bowl (like an onion soup bowl), slightly whisk an egg and microwave it for 1 minute at maximum power. Set aside and repeat this steps for the remaining eggs.
Place 1 egg on each croissant or English muffin. Top it with 1 slice of cheese, 1 slice of Black Forest ham and 2 slices of Hungarian salami.
If desired, salt and pepper to taste.
Carefully, place each sandwich in a microwave safe freezer bag (like Ziploc®), remove the most air possible and close tightly - OR - tightly wrp each sandwich in wrapping plastic.
Freeze the sandwiches for up to 8 weeks.
At serving time, remove each frozen sandwich from the bag or plastic wrap, wrap it in paper towel and microwave it for 1-2 minutes, until soft and hot to taste.