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CyberCom™ :: Recipes :: Mamyrac-style Saint-Jacques Shells

From France's shores to your table!

Mamyrac-style Saint-Jacques Shells

PRÉPARATION: 30 minutes
COOKING: 5 minutes
TOTAL: 35 minutes
PORTION(S): 4 portions



  1. Put all the ingredients from the first list in a cauldron and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 5 minutes to allow the wine alcohol to evaporate a bit.
  2. Add the scallops and pieces of fish and heat again to a low boil. Simmer until scallops and fish are cooked (it's quick). Remove scallops and fish and set aside with other already cooked seafood (lobster, crab and shrimp are usually cooked when purchased, otherwise cook as usual).
  3. Heat the open broth over high heat again to reduce it a bit. Transfer it to the cotton cheese to remove the herbs. Book.
  4. In a saucepan, melt the butter and add the flour in one go. Stir well and cook to obtain a lightly colored dough. Remove from heat and add about 1/2 cup cold milk. Whisk well.
  5. Add the contents of the canned mushroom cream. Add the scallop cooking liquid and return to low heat, continuing to whisk. When the mixture becomes thick enough, then add all the fish and seafood. Remove from heat and set aside for mounting the shells.
  6. Grease the shells (or other dishes) with butter. Using a rolling pin, place mashed potatoes around the edges. Pour the seafood preparation in the center. Sprinkle with grated cheese to taste, then sprinkle with a little breadcrumbs and a little paprika for color.
  7. Place the shells in a cookie sheet and place in the center of the oven. Roast until the sauce forms broths and the cheese toasts lightly. Serve immediately.

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