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CyberCom™ :: Recipes :: Velvety Cauliflour Vegetable Soup

A healthy and comforting creamy soup... without the fatty cream!

Velvety Cauliflour Vegetable Soup

Velvety Cauliflour Vegetable Soup

PREPARATION: 20 minutes
COOKING: 40 minutes
TOTAL: 1 hour
PORTION(S): 10-12 servings



  1. Wash the vegetables well in cold water.
  2. Break the cauliflower into small florets, removing the core and green leaves.
  3. In a non-stick pan, melt the butter over high heat, then sweat the onion over medium heat, stirring constantly.
  4. In a large saucepan, put the broth, cauliflower, onion with butter, celery and carrot. Salt and pepper. Mix well. Bring to a boil.
  5. Over medium heat, simmer everything for 1 hour, or until all the vegetables are very soft. Mix occasionally.
  6. Pour the soup into a blender and puree until smooth and uniform. If necessary add salt and pepper.
  7. Serve hot.
For a slightly perfumed taste, add a little saffron, fresh parsley, or fresh or dried celery leaves.

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